This week we talked about relationships, we talked about the difference of hanging out and dating. hanging out is just being with a friend and not really having any emotional or physical ties, dating on the other hand is being with someone that you care and love, and you talk about important things. We also discussed that when a woman is looking for a spouse they are testing if they can preside, provide, and protect. There was five other steps that both men and women look for and they are: Do they know who the person is there are with, can they trust them, Are they reliable, Are they committed to the relationship, and Am I physically attracted to them. The last thing we discussed is the difference between married couples and couples that are living together. We learned that in those relationship there is a great percentage of abuse, less intimacy, and can be not committed to the relationship. 
10/24/2016 08:38:46 am

So much good information here thanks for sharing


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